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Your Freelancer project manager
Hi, I'm Robert Nolan

Project Manager

As a construction project manager i organize and plan the construction project, create schedules, balance budgets, assign tasks, track activities in the project from beginning to end, manage supplies and many more.


About Me

Robert Aiden Nolan was born in Dublin, Ireland, on July 31, 1961. He spent his early years in Ireland and received his primary education at Mount Carmel Secondary School. Later, he moved to the United States and continued his high school education at Irvine High School. After completing his secondary education, Robert pursued higher studies in business management, enrolling in the prestigious Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. There, he majored in Business Management (IBM), developing a strong foundation in the field of business administration.

Team Management
Project management
Project Budgeting

My Services

Project Planning and Organization

As a Construction Project Manager, I specialize in meticulously planning and organizing construction projects. I'm responsible for defining project objectives, setting milestones, and creating a detailed project plan. This involves identifying tasks, setting priorities, and allocating resources efficiently. Effective project planning is essential to ensure that the project stays on track and within budget.

Budget Management

One of the critical roles of a Construction Project Manager is to manage project budgets. This involves estimating project costs, creating a budget, and continually monitoring expenses. I ensure that projects are financially viable and that clients receive value for their investment. I'm skilled at cost control, tracking expenses, and making adjustments as necessary to prevent budget overruns.

Team Leadership and Management

I possess strong team management and leadership skills. I assemble project teams, assigns roles and responsibilities, and oversees their work. Effective team leadership ensures that all team members are aligned with the project's goals, timelines, and quality standards. I foster a collaborative work environment, promoting productivity and problem-solving among team members.

Task Assignment and Progress Tracking

Construction Project Managers like me assign tasks to various team members, subcontractors, and suppliers, ensuring that each aspect of the project is progressing as planned. Regular tracking and reporting of task status and project progress allow for timely adjustments and issue resolution, ultimately preventing delays and cost overruns.

Resource Management

Proper resource management is crucial in construction projects. This includes managing labor, equipment, materials, and subcontractors. Robert adeptly allocates and optimizes these resources to maintain project efficiency and quality. He also ensures that resources are procured in a cost-effective and timely manner.

Risk Management and Problem-Solving

Robert excels in managing risks and resolving issues that may arise during construction projects. This involves identifying potential risks, developing mitigation strategies, and addressing unforeseen challenges. His problem-solving skills and experience allow him to make informed decisions to keep projects on track, even in the face of unexpected obstacles.
Robert Aiden Nolan has dedicated his career to the construction industry, specifically as a freelance Construction Project Manager. With over 30 years of experience in the field, he has honed his skills and developed a profound understanding of project management in the construction sector.

My Resume


  • 2014 - present

    Freelance Project Manager Nolan enterprise In 2014, after amassing a wealth of experience and expertise in the construction project management field, Robert made a significant career transition by becoming a freelance Project Manager. This move was motivated by a desire for greater financial autonomy and flexibility in selecting the projects he undertakes.

  • 1992 - 2013

    Project ManagerTutor Perini Corporation During the period from 1992 to 2013, He dedicated over a decade of his career to Tutor Perini Corporation. He played a pivotal role within the organization, which undoubtedly contributed significantly to his expertise and reputation in the field of construction project management. Tutor Perini Corporation, during these years, specialized in managing a wide range of construction projects, from small-scale residential developments to large commercial endeavors.

  • 1984 - 1992

    Desk Officer KPRS Construction


  • 1979 - 1984

    Business management (IBM)Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

  • 1971 - 1977

    High SchoolMount Carmel Secondary School and Irvine High School


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+1 714 798 3356